Facilities General Information

The Film & Digital Media department has a broad variety of production and classroom/screening spaces. Access to these spaces are explained by the policies stated in the Equipment & Facility Use Policy.


Film and Digital Media Operations consists of support staff to assist in the access, support, and operation of all facilities and equipment.

Classroom A/V Presentation and General Facilities
Technical Director Chris Cain
Production Equipment
Checkout Lab Manager Woody Carroll
Digital Media Specialist Tristan Cakeet
Contact and Support
Email fdmoperations@ucsc.edu
Room assistance phone (831) 459-1958
Website http://slugfilm.ucsc.edu/
Hours of Operation Support
9-5 M-F for Facilities - Communications, Room 137
10-5 M-F for IT Support - Communications, Room 137
9-12, 1-5 M-F for Checkout Lab - Communications, Room 123
IT/Post-Production Support
• Send email to fdmit@ucsc.edu and arrange appointment (highly encouraged)
• Walk-in during normal business hours

Facility Information

Emergency Numbers - Who/When To Call
9-1-1 Any kind of emergency situation with serious threat to life or property
(831) 459-2345 Same as above, if unable to dial 9-1-1 from phone being used
(831) 459-4868 Same as above, if unable to dial 9-1-1 from phone being used
(831) 459-2100 Campus Safety Officer Dispatch Line, 7pm-3am nightly
(831) 459-4861 Major Emergency Maintenance problems; requests for response that cannot wait until the next business day
(831) 459-4980 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, 24 hours
(831) 459-2231 Non-emergency police related calls, 24 hours

Communications Building Description
The Communications Building is a shared building for FDM and Information Technology Services (ITS).
FDM areas:

  • Basement - Room 11 (Computer Lab, shared floor with ITS. Please be respectful.)
  • First Floor - Offices, Classrooms, Studios, and Equipment Checkout
  • Second Floor - Editing Suites

Communications Building Hours

  • Doors are unlocked from 7am-10pm, Monday through Friday (No access after hours)

  • Basement doors, open from 8am-5pm daily, Monday through Friday (ITS door - no access after hours)

  • Parking for 20 minutes available behind Communications/Loading Dock (Do not pull onto center loading ramp)


Student Access to FDM Facilities and Lab Reservations/Expectations

Lock Access to Facilities

  • Door Locks - The Communications Building lock security system is programmed and monitored
  • ID Cards - Currently enrolled Production Students use UCSC ID card to access rooms (See detailed Access by Course/Role descriptions)
  • Lock Operation - With ID picture facing towards you and up, “Dip” ID card in lock (slowly please)
    • Green LED - Access granted/lock opens for 5 seconds
    • Red LED - No Access
 - Check Access by Course/Role
    • No LED light - Lock is dead or card is malfunctioning or in lockdown for 30 seconds (this occurs after repeated failed access attempts)

Problem? Email fdmoperations@ucsc.edu or visit Communications, Room 137.

Card Tips

  • Test your card soon to make sure it works
  • If you lose your card, go to ID services and get new card
  • Replace old, worn out, or damaged cards

Quarterly Schedules

  • Access begins on first day of instruction and ends at 5pm on last day of finals
  • Rooms can be reserved via the SlugFilm Room Reservations
  • Use Room QR Code on door to open Slugfilm Room Reservations for the room
  • Production students are allotted 8 hours per type of room per week (VO, edit, & adv. edit rooms)
  • Submitting requests for Studio B - See "Special Facilities -- Studio B" in the Equipment & Facility Use Policy


Access Procedures for Facilities

Access to rooms information for students is obtained at SlugFilm Room Reservations.

Students can reserve rooms via the SlugFilm Room Reservations. Students may reserve up to 8 hours per week to Edit Suites, "Voice-Over" Suites, and Production Studios A and D that they have access.

If you do not arrive to the room within the first 20 minutes of your scheduled time, the reservation is forfeited and the space will be available on a first-come first-served basis.

Access to Studio B is obtained through the Studio B Reservation Request Form. Access requires the following:

  • Passing of the Studio B online training module
  • Attending an in-person Orientation
  • The requesting student must agree to assume the responsibilities of Production Manager
  • All participants must be listed on the request form
  • The request form must be submitted two business days in advance of the desired reservation date
  • The reservation is not confirmed until the requesting student receives a confirmation via email
  • When confirmed, the student shall be programmed into the lock system for the duration of time approved
  • Students may reserve up to 24 hours over a two-week period
  • Failure to comply with Studio B policies may be grounds for the revocation of privileges

Safety Precautions

  • Buildings are located in remote areas of campus
  • There is minimal lighting around the building at night
  • Be aware of surroundings & walk with a buddy when possible
  • If you see suspicious activity or an unsafe situation, dial 911, don’t hesitate
  • In case of Emergency - Evacuate to Emergency Assembly Area at area South of Communications Building (towards McLaughlin Drive)
  • Blue light phones are located at the Baskin bus stop and Core West Parkin Structure
  • Campus phones are located in almost every classroom or office in the Communications Building

Lost and Found

  • FDM is not responsible for items left in facilities
  • Items left in one of our rooms may be found by Operations personnel
  • Any items found will be given to Administrators located in Communications, Room 101
  • Pick up items during business hours: 9 am - 12 pm, 1 pm to 4 pm

Food and Drink in the Facility

  • There is no food or drink allowed in any classrooms or edit rooms
  • A closed drinking container that cannot spill is allowed in classrooms only
  • Violation of this policy can result in loss of privileges