Equipment Catalog

Westcott ScrimJim 42″ x 72″

Manufacturer’s Webpage


Additional Resources:

Access, Instruction, and Support

The Westcott ScrimJim 42″ x 72″ is provided for F&DM production students upon enrollment in one of the F&DM Department's production courses.

Access to the Westcott ScrimJim 42″ x 72″, like all of the department's A/V production equipment, is mediated through the Equipment Checkout Lab in accordance with course allocation assignments, and granted on an individual basis upon meeting specific criteria.

Any and all problems experienced with the Westcott ScrimJim 42″ x 72″ should be reported to the Equipment Checkout Lab Specialist immediately; do not wait until returning the equipment to notify the Lab Specialist or Lab staff (See: Statement of Policies).